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Tuesday, 7 February 2012

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To,                 Dated ………………….
Hon. Shri Mukul Wasnik
Minister- Social Justice & Empowerment
Government of India
Room No.-201 'C' Wing, Shastri Bhawan,
SUBJECT: Request for revision (hike) of OBC Creamy  Layer annual income criteria to Rs. 9 lakhs as
recommeneded by National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) New Delhi.
RERENCE:     (1) DOPT O.M. No 36033/3/2004-Estt (Res) Dated 14th October 2008
       (2) DOPT O. M. No 36012/22/93-Estt (SCT) Dated 8th September 1993
Respected Sir,
It is known that the National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) New Delhi
has recommeneded to hike the annual income limit of Other Backward Classes (OBC) creamy
layer from Rs 4.5 lakh to Rs 9 lakh. This revision was due on 14 October 2011 according to      
3 years mandatory revision period prescribed in DOPT Office Memorandum dated 8th
September 1993 & the last revision was done on 14th October 2008 for Rs. 4.50 lakhs.
Now time is coming for students to fill applications for admissions in IIT, AIEEE,
AIMS, GATE etc. for next session 2012-13 & various JOBS. THIS LIMIT IS ALSO USEFULL FOR GENERAL
However to provide reservation for 95% non-creamy layer OBCs {AS ONLY 5% CREAM
EXISTS IN MILK} actually this limit should be raised to Rs. 15 Lakhs as Suppreme Court directed to
exclude "CREAMY LAYER" only.
In view of above it is requested to revise (hike) the OBC creamy layer
annual income limit from Rs. 4.50 lakhs to Rs. 9 lakhs recommended by National
Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) as early as possible.
Thanking You
                                      Yours Sincerely
Copy to-
(1) Hon. President, Govt of India, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi
(2) Hon. Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister, Government of India, 7 Race Course Road, New Delhi
(3) Hon. Shri V. Narayanasamy, MOS, Ministry of personal, public grievanc & pensions, Govt of India, North Block, New Delhi
(4) Hon. Shri D. Napoleon, MOS, Ministry of Social Justice & Emp-ment GOI, Shastri Bhawan,  New Delhi
(5) The Chairman, National Commission for Backward Classes, Trikut-I, Bheekaji-kama-place, R.K.Puram New Delhi
(6) The Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment GOI, Shastri Bhawan,  New Delhi
(7) The Secretary, Ministry of personal, public griev. and pensions GOI, North Block, New Delhi
(8) The Joint Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment GOI, Shastri Bhawan,  New Delhi
(9) Shri K.G. Verma JS & Director, DOPT, Ministry of personal, public grievances and pensions Government of India, New
Delhi (I/c reservation matter)

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Gross Annual Income-Central Govt. Employed father
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TOPIC: Gross Annual Income-Central Govt. Employed father
Ganesh (Visitor)
Gross Annual Income-Central Govt. Employed father 5 Months, 2 Weeks ago 
My father is a Group C recruit in Central Government and became Group B after the age of 40. Income from monthly salaries > 4.5 lakhs. Income from others < 4.5 lakhs. No agricultural land.

My mother is a housewife. Income = nil

Am I still in creamy layer??

I sincerely appreciate your time and effort in responding to this post.

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Anil (User)
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Gender: Male Birthday: 10/31
Re:Gross Annual Income-Central Govt. Employed father 5 Months, 2 Weeks agoKarma: 0
Dear Ganesh,

If your father income from other sources is less then 4.5 lakhs than You are Non Creamy Layer.

If parents of whom only the father is a direct Class III employee and gets into Class I at the age of 40 or earlier the candidate shall not be treated as creamy layer & will be eligible for OBC reservation irrespective of any salary income.


The eligible OBC candidates are not getting caste certificate due to misinterpretation of creamy layer criteria Dt. 08.09.1993, especially in case of sons/daughters of government servants.


In creamy-layer criteria issued by Ministry of Personnel (DOPT) Government of India New Delhi vide O.M. No.36012/22/93-Est. (SCT) dated 8.9.1993 (also adopted by Supreme Court in recent judgment on Civil writ petition no. 265/2006 of 27% obc reservation in Central higher educational institutions) following important point is misinterpreted due to which whole country is confused including OBCs and authorities issuing the caste certificate.

(1) Actually the annual income limit of Rs. 4.50 lakhs is not applicable to “government servant’s salary income” & “farmer’s agricultural income”. It is the limit for “business income” only.

(2) In rule- (6) showing the creamy-layer annual income criteria of Rs.4.50 lakhs following
explanation is already given:
“Income from salaries or agricultural land shall not be clubbed with total income”

It means that income from salaries and agricultural land both will not be added with the annual income because to determine creamy layer status there are separate rule number (2) & (3) provided on the basis of “post held” for salaried persons & rule number (5) of “land holdings” for persons holding agricultural land. Hence they cannot be checked by salary/agricultural income.

(3) The criterion (2) & (3) clearly speaks that only the sons and daughter of following “government servants” will be treated as creamy-layer.

(i) Parents, either of whom is a Class I officer. (Direct Recruitment)

(ii) Parents, both of whom are Class II officers. (Direct Recruitment)

(iii) Parents of whom only the father is a Class II officer and he gets into Class I at the age of 40 or earlier.

(iv) In military, colonel and above.

Other than the above 4, all the government servants are not creamy-layer.”

(4) The criteria (5) clearly speak that only following “farmers” will be treated as creamy-layer.

(i) Having, only irrigated land which is equal to or more than 85% of the statuary ceiling area. (ii) The rule of exclusion will not apply if the land holding of a family is exclusively un-irrigated.
A very clear creamy layer clarification regarding not to include salary and agricultural income vide DOPT O.M. dated 14 October 2004 Para-10, is also available on website WWW.OBCGURU.COM.

Actually there are 6 rules in creamy layer criteria (Central) Dated 08.09.1993, like rule of ‘post’ for service category & rule of ‘land’ for farmers instead of having a single annual income rule. As per these 6 rules mainly the sons & daughters of followings are creamy layer-

(I) V.V.I.Ps.- President, Vice-President, Judges of the Supreme Court and of the High Courts etc.

(II) Government or PSU employees of Central or State-

(i) parents, either of whom is a Class I officer (direct recruits)

(ii) parents, both of whom are Class II officers (direct recruits)

(iii) parents of whom only the father is a direct Class II officer and he gets into Class I at the age of 40 or earlier.

(III) In military, parents, either of whom is in the rank of Colonel and above.

(IV) Persons engaged in Profession, Trade and Industry whos last three year’s separate annual income is more then Rs. 4.50 lakhs per year.

(V) Families owns agriculture land having (i) ‘irrigated land’, more than 85% of the statutory ceiling area or (ii) The rule of exclusion will not apply if the land holding of a family is exclusively unirrigated.

(Vi) Persons having separate gross annual income of Rs. 4.50 lakhs per year or above for a period of last three consecutive years excluding income from salaries & agricultural land.

Note- For details see Central creamy layer criteria of Govt of India Dt. 08.09.1993

(1) For Rule no. (IV) & (VI) the annual income limit enhanced to Rs. 4.50 lakhs. (O.M. dated 14.10.2008)

(2) Important creamy layer Clarifications by Government of India Ministry of Personnel (O.M. dated 14.10.2004)-

(i) To determine creamy layer status of any candidate as given in Category-VI of the Schedule to the OM, income from the salaries and income from the agricultural land shall not be taken into account. It means that if income from salaries of the parents of any candidate is more than Rs.4.5 lakh per annum, income from agricultural land is more than Rs.4.5 lakh per annum, but income from other sources (business) is less than Rs.4.5 lakh per annum, the candidate shall not be treated to be falling in creamy layer on the basis of Income/Wealth Test. 

(ii) The creamy layer status of a candidate is determined on the basis of the status of his parents (Father-mother) and not on the basis of his own status or income or on the basis of status or income or on the basis or status or income of his/her spouse. Therefore, while determining the creamy layer status of a person the status or the income of the candidate himself or of his/her spouse shall not be taken into account.

(3) There is no any column to show the ‘salary-income’ or ‘agriculture-income’ in application format prescribed by Govt of India to be produced in Tehsil to get central OBC caste certificate.
(4) As per Central creamy layer criteria Dt. 08.09.1993-

(i) Rule (II) (ii), if parents, either of whom is a direct Class II officer or parents, either of whom is a direct Class II officer & another is a Class III employee or parents, both of whom are Class III employees the candidate shall not be treated as creamy layer & will be eligible for OBC reservation irrespective of any salary income.

(ii) Rule (II) (iii), if parents of whom only the father is a direct Class III employee and gets into Class I at the age of 40 or earlier the candidate shall not be treated as creamy layer & will be eligible for OBC reservation irrespective of any salary income.

( (iii) Rule (II), creamy layer determination of employees under PSUs, Banks, Insurance Organisations, Universities, etc. will be done on equivalent or comparable basis to government posts irrespective of any salary income.

(5) To get OBC reservation in central posts or central admissions like IAS, IPS, BANK, RALWAYS, IIT, NIT(AIEEE), AIIMS, AGRICULTURE, MEDICAL COLLEGES & CENTRAL UNIVERSIY etc. a separate OBC certificate is required on the basis of central list of OBCs issued by Govt of India in central format (available in every Employment News). As some of the state OBC castes are not included in central list of OBCs & at many places there is a difference between state & central creamy layer criteria, the state OBCs certificates are not allowed in central reservation

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Ganesh (Visitor)
Re:Gross Annual Income-Central Govt. Employed father 5 Months, 2 Weeks ago 
Thanks Anil.
It was helpful.

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RK (Visitor)
Re:Gross Annual Income-Central Govt. Employed father 4 Months, 3 Weeks ago 
Hi Anil,

The information is very useful, but i am still confused.

Hope you can help me out. Actually i am searching for a job since last 3 months, before that i was working and my Gross salary was 1.44 lacs.

In your reply it was mentioned that (ii) The creamy layer status of a candidate is determined on the basis of the status of his parents (Father-mother) and not on the basis of his own status or income or on the basis of status or income or on the basis or status or income of his/her spouse. Therefore, while determining the creamy layer status of a person the status or the income of the candidate himself or of his/her spouse shall not be taken into account. 

But it is mentioned on Delhi Govt's site that "Only persons having gross annual income less that RS.1 lakh are eligible for O.B.C Certificate", url is given below:
The requirements for getting an Other Backward Classes (OBC) certificate

It means if i am getting a salary of more than 1 lakh per annum, i am not eligible?? Then there is a contradiction between the two statements.

Actually i was going to apply for the certificate after reading yor article on this site, but when i saw this requirement which says that salary of applicant should be less than 1 lakh, then i again stopped and now i am very confused whether to apply or not.

Can you plesae explain?? Waiting for your reply...
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Anil (User)
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Gender: Male Birthday: 10/31
Re:Gross Annual Income-Central Govt. Employed father 4 Months, 3 Weeks agoKarma: 0

"Only persons having gross annual income less that RS.1 lakh are eligible for O.B.C Certificate",

what is written in this format” that is not a law. Law is the creamy layer criteria’s order or OM issued by GoI Schedule TO G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M. No.36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 8-9-1993 should say-------Only the son or daughter of following will be treated as creamy-layer.

OBC candidate has to submit the details (status/income) of “father” and “mother” only and not of the “self” in “Application form prescribed to get OBC certificate”.

The central govt creamy layer criteria dated 08.09.1993 never says to add brother’s,self or husband or spouse income as each and every rule starts from “sons and daughters of so and so………..will be creamy layer.”

Candidate’s creamy layer status is always determined by parent’s (father, mother) status and never by status of self or husband or spouse. Hence your creamy layer status will be determined only by your parent’s (father, mother) status and your income will never be counted. This reservation facility is actually based on “what status a father-mother has given to a child since his/her birth”.


This reservation facility is actually based on that “what status a father-mother has given to a child”.

If you are selected for, the post of IPS trough UPSC civil services examination and want to apply again to become an IAS, even though you are eligible for OBC reservation on the basis of parent‟s (father, mother) status.

Each clause of creamy layer criteria DT 08.09.1993 says that “SONS & DAUGHTERS OF SO & SO...........” will be treated as creamy layer. Means candidate’s creamy layer status is always determined by parent’s (father, mother) status.

Para 08 of creamy clarifications No.36033/5/2004-Estt.(Res.) dated :the 14th October,2004 ( issued by DOPT GoI clearly speaks that: - “8”. Creamy layer status of a candidate is determined on the basis of the status of his parents and not on the basis of his own status or income or on the basis of status or income or on the basis or status or income of his/her spouse. Therefore, whiledetermining the creamy layer status of a person the status or the income of the candidate himself or of his/her spouse shall not be taken into account.

[Schedule TO G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M. No.36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 8-9-1993

[color=#FF0000]So you are eligible for O.B.C Certificate[/color]

Now NCL/OBC income limit is 4.5 Lkh for a period of three consecutive years. (applying against reserved vacancies for appointment to posts/admission to central educational institutions (CEIs), under the Government of India.)
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rakesh yadav (Visitor)
Re:Gross Annual Income-Central Govt. Employed father 4 Months, 3 Weeks ago 
Now NCL/OBC income limit is 4.5 Lkh for a period of three consecutive years. (applying against reserved vacancies for appointment to posts/admission to central educational institutions (CEIs), under the Government of India.)

what does it mean anil sir ? this is limit for business or govt employee
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